Legal Info

We accept the following payment methods:

  • Credit and Debit Cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover)
  • Checks (Mail to: FLOORMAPS, INC. 997 Happy Trails Dr. Ste D1 Rogers, AR 72756)
  • Electronic Bank Transfers (Request our ACH form)

We have the following payment terms:

  • Due Upfront (Pay upon quote approval)
  • Net 15 (Payment is due in 15 days)
  • Net 30 (Payment is due in 30 days)
  • 60% Deposit Net 30 (60% deposit due upon quote approval with remainder due in 30 Days)

We will be more than happy to allow payment arrangements if necessary but this is subject for approval and can not be guaranteed. Please contact us to make arrangements.


  • Rush Order Fee (Requests for expedited processing or shipping may be subject to a variable fee based on our current production schedule.)
  • Processing Fee (Orders exceeding $10,000 may incur a 2% fee when paid via credit or debit card.)
  • Chargeback Fee (If a payment dispute is reversed in our favor, a 25% fee will be applied for administrative costs, and the full disputed amount will become due immediately.)
  • Returned Payment Fee (If a payment is returned by our financial institution, you will be responsible for any associated bank fees, and the full invoice amount will be due immediately.)
  • Cancellation Fee (If a project is canceled after production has begun, you will be responsible for the cost of work completed up to that point.)

FLOORMAPS™ products are made to order, because of this, we are unable to accept returns. If you need to cancel please call our office immediately to avoid any percentage penalties based on the amount of production completed.

Please read and understand the following statement. FLOORMAPS, INC. is liable for only the replacement of defective material. We cannot control the use or method of application. We are not responsible for any claims, liability or damage(s) related to the use of this product either by mistakes in application, reactions of applied chemical products, environmental or structural conditions, surface conditions or misuse by consumer. We cannot guarantee that every structural surface or applied medium will satisfactorily work with this product. User assumes all risk and liability and is encouraged to test the compatibility of intended structural surfaces and mediums with the FLOORMAPS™ product before full project installation.

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Information received via contacting us is used internally on our servers only. Debit and credit card payments are processed via Square's API. For details on their privacy practices, please review their privacy policy here.